【募集終了】2022年度 大学フェローシップ創設事業・リゾーム型研究人材育成プログラムの出願資格及び募集定員について AY2022 Eligible Students and Number to be Accepted for both Fellowship Project and Rhizome Program
[PDF] 出願資格及び募集定員の一覧
[PDF] 応募可能な対象研究科の一覧
[LINK] 大学フェローシップ創設事業 募集要項 HP
[LINK] リゾーム型研究人材育成プログラム 募集要項 HP
We announce “Eligible Students and Number to be Accepted for both Fellowship Project and Rhizome Program” for your reference.
Please note if you apply for either Fellowship Project or Rhizome Program as a first choice, you are not allowed to apply for the other as a first choice.
[PDF] Eligible Students and Number to be Accepted
[PDF] Applicable Majors
Please see Application Guidelines for details.
[LINK] Fellowship Project Application Guidelines website
[LINK] Rhizome Program Application Guidelines website