【For recruitment in April 2022】Fellowship project briefing materials
【For recruitment in April 2022】
Materials for the Fellowship Program Information Session have been uploaded.
①Program Outline by Prof. Matsui
②Bottom-up Program by Prof. Tode (Super-smart society)
②Field Specific Program by Prof. Ogio (Quantum)
②Field Specific Program by Prof. Takahashi (Materials)
③Duties of the Fellow Students by Prof. Kawakita
③Duties of the Fellow Students by Prof. Ogio
④Selection Process by Prof. Kawakita
④Selection Process by Prof. Kawakita (Contact)
We are looking forward to your application.
Contact information for questions and inquiries is provided for each area.
Please see section “④Selection-Process-by-Prof.-Kawakita-Contact.”.
This is based on the budget for FY2022, but the project budget is yet to be determined,
so the content of support is subject to change.
* The Application Requirements for FY2022 have changed from the above explanation.
Please make sure to check the Application Guidelines.
Research Promotion Division, Fellowship Office
Osaka City University
Bldg. 1, 1 F
Phone:06-6605-3550(Ext. 3550)
E-mail:kensi-fellowship [at] list.osaka-cu.ac.jp Replace [at] with @